The eSafety Research Group of the University of Alcalá has developed monocular and stereo video processing supporting functions for driver assistance and eSafety-related applications. Achieving deep road scene understanding is key for providing really useful driving support, preventing accidents, and mitigating their effects to the maximum extent.

The applications targeted by the eSafety Research Group are divided into Forward Looking and Side Mirror Applications, In-Cabin Applications, and Autonomous Driving. Our goal is to carry out the transfer of this technology to the Automotive and Road Maintenance Industries, a task that the eSafety Research Group has been actively performing in the last years.

The robotics group of RobeSafe has been working in the field of service robotics since the year 1996. Our research is focused in the following lines: human-robot interfaces, multi-sensorial perception, location, navigation, SLAM and tele-assistance services. In recent years the group has participated in different projects supported by public institutions as the European Commission, Spanish Ministry of Science, Community of Madrid and University of Alcalá. On the other hand, the final goal of our group is to transfer the results of our technologies to the industry. In this sense RobeSafe has collaborate with several companies in order to develop different robotics systems.