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    Artificial Intelligence based Management Energy System for Electric Vehicles

    Develop a comprehensive energy management, taking into account the behaviour and habits of use of the EV, integrating the EV as an energy storage element in the power network (V2G) and creating an optimized route planner that estimates the consumption of the vehicle in a realistic way. Achieving in this way, a more sustainable and efficient energy management.

    • Aivatar

    Artificial Intelligence based modular Architecture Implementation and Validation for Autonomous Driving


    According to the United Nations (UN), more than two thirds of the world population will live in cities by 2050. Providing safer, more sustainable and efficient mobility for goods and people in populated cities is a priority identified in Horizon Europe and the Spanish Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023. The transformational change in mobility will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for UNs 2030 Agenda, to the European Green Deal, as well as to the Vision Zero Deal. One key technology for the future mobility is Autonomous Driving (AD), which has been a hot topic in the last decade that has caught the attention of research and industry. There are numerous different fully autonomous vehicle projects in various stages of development. However, autonomous vehicle technology is far from being ready to be deployed at full scale. Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) European Partnership identifies four problems for the AD introduction in the market:
    1) Insufficient demand.
    2) AD techniques are not yet sufficiently 
    3) Current R&I efforts are fragmented and lack a long-term vision.
    4) Demonstration and scale-up is limited.

    • Tech4AgeCar

    Implementing robust technologies for an electric automated car concept for aging drivers

    UAH has been working on the SmartElderlyCar project (2016-2018), developing a first prototype car with some autonomous functions. Based on our previous results in this project, the main objective of the Techs4AgaCar proposal is to investigate techniques for a new concept of automatic electric car (AgeCar), capable of assisting senior drivers with different levels of automation, according to needs. drivers and taking into account safety and user acceptance as key development points.

    • Robocity2030

    The mission of the RoboCity2030 consortium is the development of robotic systems for the well-being of citizens and the improvement of their quality of life.

    Our technology is aimed at solving various challenges of daily life with the introduction of intelligent robots. The main applications are assistance robots, social robots, field robots, rescue robots, environmental robots, and autonomous vehicles. All of them in order to create an intelligent robotic city of the future.

    This ecosystem supports research excellence in robotics, generates efficient technology transfer, creates new companies and innovative spin-offs, and solves social and educational needs. It works closely with the regional government and involves several large cities in the Madrid region.

    • Robotic carts for assistance in delivery for the Spanish Postal Service (S.E. Correos y Telégrafos).

    In this first phase of the project, the development of a basic safe navigation application is proposed to demonstrate the feasibility of using a robotic cart as an assistant for letter and package delivery. The following functionalities will be demonstrated in this project:

    1. Safely transporting packages and letters under lock and key. This will be achieved through the design and manufacturing of a fiberglass structure.
    2. Implementing a safe navigation system to avoid pedestrian collisions, running within the ROS (Robot Operating System) framework. Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects (DATMO) algorithms, developed under the General Public License (GPL) by Dr. Ángel Llamazares Llamazares, will be employed and configured, along with obstacle avoidance algorithms developed under GPL by Dr. Eduardo José Molinos Vicente.
    3. Maneuvering curbs. The Seekur robotic platform is capable of overcoming curbs lower than 20 cm. Field tests will be conducted to estimate this capability when the robot is carrying the fiberglass structure, as it will raise the height of the robotic platform above 1 m.
    4. Implementing an optimal planning system to enable efficient delivery in the shortest possible time, reducing the distances traveled to save platform energy consumption.
    5. Tracking the delivery personnel using inertial GPS for subsequent studies on the useful delivery time of the platform.

    • Vehículo Inteligente para Personas Mayores (SmartElderlyCar)

    Statistics show that 68% of the population in the European Union (EU), including associated states, is living in urban areas. According to the World Health Organization, nearly one third of the world population will live in cities by 2030. Aware of this problem, the Transport White Paper published by the European Commission in 2011 indicated that new forms of mobility should be proposed to provide sustainable solutions for people and goods safely. Regarding safety, it sets the ambitious goal of halving the overall number of road deaths in the EU between 2010-2020. However, the goal will not be easy, only in 2014 more than 25,700 people died on the roads in the EU (18% reduction). Besides, some studies show that fatal accidents increase with age for people 65 years and older.

    • Abstracción, síntesis e integración de información multisensorial para la localización , seguimiento y reconocimiento de comportamiento de consumidores en centros comerciales

    En los últimos años se han intensificado los esfuerzos en el diseño de nuevas estrategias de marketing que mejoren la captación de clientes y su fidelización e interés en las marcas y/o productos que son objeto de una campaña de marketing. Estas nuevas estrategias giran en torno a tres pilares básicos: los dispositivos móviles, que facilitan el acceso a la información desde interfaces sencillas e intuitivas; las redes sociales, a través de las cuales es posible hacer llegar la información sobre la campaña de marketing a un gran número de clientes que, además, pueden interaccionar entre sí; y las técnicas basadas en estrategias de juegos (gamificación), orientadas a mantener el interés de los clientes en el producto a lo largo del tiempo.

    • ROBOtic guide for SHOP: navigation system development (ROBOSHOP)

    This project proposes the development of the navigation system for a robotic guide. This robot is employed to guide people inside shops, malls or even museums, showing the most relevant things of them. Although the design of robotic guide systems is a well known problem, the development in a real, dynamic and likely crowded environment is challenging. The project introduces the robotic platform that we propose and the software structure (developed under ROS) to carry out a safe navigation inside crowded and dynamic environments.

    • Plataforma RObótica Para INvestigAción (PROPINA)

    In this Project we have built a robotic research platform to develop high-level application using the robotics development platform Robot Operating System (ROS). It is a differential traction platform and it is equipped with odometry sensors and distance (ultrasonic and infrared). It is designed to work indoors. The embeded cards run ROS modules to control the motors and to perceive the information from sensors. In this way the perception is completely transparent to the remote control station. The modular design has been choosen to increase the functionality and autonomy. In addition, we designed a 3D model in Gazebo simulator that can be used as prior before designing the actual application.


    • Abstraction, Synthesis, and Integration of Information for Human-Robot Teams (ABSYNTHE) - UAH

    Robots are increasingly being deployed in teams that support a variety of human activities, including planning and decision-making. Beyond supporting human endeavors, these teams often include humans as active components that sense, interact, and collaborate with their automated counterparts. These robotic teams are characterized by their ability to acquire vast amounts of data that must be properly processed, analyzed, interpreted, and fused to ensure its right functioning, in terms of coordination, negotiation, distribution, and cooperation. 

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Escuela Politecnica

Universidad de Alcalá

Av. Jesuitas s/n.

Alcalá de Henares, 28871

Madrid, España

Smart Elderly Car