Bases de Datos

Juan Felipe Arango Vargas

Personal Information

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Position: Phd Student

LinkedIn: Juan Felipe Arango Vargas


About me

My name is Juan Felipe Arango Vargas, currently PhD candidate in Advanced Electronic Systems and Intelligent Systems at the RobeSafe research group (Electronics Department, University of Alcalá) under the supervision of Prof. Luis Miguel Bergasa and Prof. Pedro Revenga. I received my BSc degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering and my MSc in Industrial Engineering from the University of Alcalá.

My PhD thesis is focused on "Autonomous Navigation Techniques Validation over a Real Electric Vehicle". As member of the RobeSafe research group, I am working within Tech4AgeCar and RoboCity2030 research projects. My main role consist in the automation and preparation of an electric vehicle to carry out validation tests of the autonomous navigation systems developed within the group. More specifically, my work is the design and implementation of the Drive-By-Wire module and the Localization module based on RTK-DGNSS, IMU and odometry positions fusion, as well as designing the validation methods of the navigation techniques in real environments.


Research Areas

Autonomous Vehicle, Drive-By-Wire System, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Positioning, MEMS-IMU, Sensor Fusion, Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), Robot Operating System (ROS), Automotive Electronics, Embedded Systems.