
Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Moreno

Personal Information

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Position: Phd Student

LinkedIn: Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Moreno

github: Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Moreno


About me

My name is Rodrigo Gutiérrez Moreno, currently PhD candidate in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at the RobeSafe research group (Electronics Department, University of Alcalá) under the supervision of Prof. Luis Miguel Bergasa. I received my BSc degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering from the University of Alcalá (2012-2017) , in which I was granted with an Erasmus+ scholarship to study in the University of Portsmouth (UK) and my MSc in Robotics and Automation from the UPM (2017-2018). As member of the RobeSafe research group, I am working in research projects with other universities and companies to generate an important technology transfer to companies and publications. In particular, my PhD thesis is focused on "Decision making of an autonomous ground vehicle based in reinforcement learning and POMDPs".


Researcher Areas

Autonomous vehicle, control, decision making, reinforcement learning.

Óscar Pérez Gil

Personal Information

Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Position: Master Student

LinkedIn: oscar perez gil


About me

I am Óscar Pérez, a graduate in Communications Electronics Engineering with the second extraordinary prize and a student of the Master's Degree in Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Alcalá. I collaborate in the Robesafe group, within the Tech4AgeCar project, doing my TFM.


Research areas

Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Autonomous Vehicles, Object Detection and Tracking, CARLA, Neural Networks

Javier del Egido Sierra

Personal Information

Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Position: MSc on Industrial Engineering

LinkedIn: javier del egido

GitHub: JavierEgido


About me

Industrial Engineering at Universidad de Alcalá. You can retrieve more info about me on LinkedIn, or check some of my developed projects on GitHub


Research areas

Autónomos Navigation, LIDAR processing, CNNs object detection

Javier Araluce Ruiz

Personal Information

Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Position: Master Student

LinkedIn: javier araluce ruiz

GitHub: kuasho


About me

Industrial engineer specialized in robotics and perception


Research areas

Vehicle to User layer (V2U layer)

Carlos Gómez Huélamo

Personal Information

Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Position: PhD student

LinkedIn: carlos gómez huélamo

GitHub: Cram3r95


About me

My name is Carlos Gómez Huélamo, currently PhD candidate in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at the RobeSafe research group (Electronics Department, University of Alcalá) under the supervision of Prof. Luis Miguel Bergasa and Prof. Rafael Barea Navarro. I received my BSc degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering (Top 3 students) from the University of Alcalá (2013-2017) , in which I was granted with an Erasmus+ scholarship to study in the University College of Cork (UCC, Ireland) and my MSc in Industrial Engineering (Top 2 students) from the University of Alcalá (2017-2019), in which I was granted with an Erasmus+ scholarship to study in the Tampere University of Technology (TUT, Finland). As member of the RobeSafe research group, I am working in research projects with other universities and companies to generate an important technology transfer to companies and publications. In particular, my PhD thesis is focused on "Deep Learning based Multi-Object Tracking, Sensor Fusion and Motion Forecasting for Autonomous Driving applications". Main areas of interest consist of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Robotics, Embedded Systems and any field related to these.


Research areas

Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Robotics, Embedded Systems, Sensor Fusion, Autonomous Vehicles.


Polytechnic School

University of Alcalá

Av. Jesuitas s/n.

Alcalá de Henares, 28871

Madrid, Spain

Smart Elderly Car

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