On March 10,  Carlos Gómez Huélamo was recipient of an Honorable Mention in the XVI Edition of the contest "Premio a la Innovación Tecnológica 2019", sponsored by the Fundación Rodolfo Benito Samaniego (FRBS) and COIIM Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid associations, representing one of the three best Master's Degree Final Project in Industrial Engineering among the regions of Madrid, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha and País Vasco, including both the public and private universities. The project, titled "Técnicas Predictivas para el Entendimiento de Escenas usando Deep Learning", was supervised by Prof. Luis Miguel Bergasa.

In summary, the scope of the project, developed in the RobeSafe research group (Department of Electronics, Universidad de Alcalá), is to propose an accurate and real-time Deep Learning based Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) software architecture in the context of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Additional tools involved in the project were ROS (Robot Operating System), Docker, the CARLA autonomous driving simulator and our real world autonomous electric vehicle.

Thanks to my colleagues and professors of the UAH, specially those teammates of the RobeSafe research group, without which this award would have been unattainable.

And to finish he had some nice words of thanks: "Thanks to my colleagues and professors at UAH, especially colleagues from the RobeSafe research group, without whom this award would have been unattainable."